Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grandfather Twilight (Take 2) - Read Along with Me

A couple days ago I layed down with Little Brother to read him Grandfather Twilight by Barbara Berger for his naptime...and so I could take a picture to send Grandma for her post.  As I was reading it to him, he reminded me (as he does most times when I read it to him) that he has a cloud blankie of his own.  (When Grandfather Twilight goes to sleep at the end of the book, his beard melds into his blanket that looks like a sky with clouds.)

Little Brother's cloud blanket one his birthmom gave him and he loves it.  That gave us the idea to take a picture of him in his bed with his cloud blanket like Grandfather Twilight...which gave us the idea to draw trees on his walls...which means this activity gets it own post.  If you missed my previous post though, you really need to scroll down or click here to see what my mom did with Grandfather Twilight.

Our Harold and the Purple Crayon decorations were starting to get torn down anyway, so it was time for some new paper.  This time I did a double layer.

I did most of the drawing, but I let the kids chip in wherever they wanted to.

Firecracker was home sick, but she helped out a little bit, and then headed back off to bed.

Sweet Pea helped the most.

Little Brother was a bit hyper and mostly jumped around while the rest of us drew.

He was still a little hyper at naptime.  Maybe he would have gone to sleep more easily if I'd given him a pearl and told him to walk to the ocean and back with it (like Grandfather Twilight).

But he eventually fell asleep in his bed among the trees.

If you're just now joining us, be sure to visit our Read-Along Archives to see the books we've already read.

I'll be linking to:
A Mommy Adventuresabc buttonShibley Smiles  abc button giveaways Katie's Nesting Spot Show and Tell GreenPhotobucketJoin us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. What a wonderful idea. It will be fun for the kids to add little animals that live among the trees...or maybe Grandma coming hiking through the trees. Little Brother is so sweet with his cloud blanket and the book.

  2. Awww! I love that you did that for him! The picture of him sleeping is so sweet!

  3. What a great idea! The photo is so much fun. Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

  4. Yeah! I love that the blanket fit in so nicely. It looks like the girls had fun helping create the forest.

  5. A wall mural! Oh my gosh, my kids would love this one. What a great idea!

    Thanks so much for linking up with For the Kids Fridays at Sun Scholars. I can't wait to see what you have to share this week! I'll be posting the next party later tonight. Hope to have you stop by!

    :)rachel @


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